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What is a KOL - Key Opinion Leader?

What is a KOL - Key Opinion Leader?

#BrazilSFE  #KOLs #OpinionLeader #MedicalPractice #PharmaceuticalCompanies #DrugDevelopment #ClinicalTrials #PharmaceuticalMarketing

KOLs   -  Key Opinion Leaders are  physicians who significantly influence the medical practice of their peers, including, but not limited to,  prescribing and behavior.

 Articles about KOLs: 

Pharmaceutical companies often involve opinion leaders early in the drug development process to provide seed activity as well as key feedback for marketing.

KOLs are often   chosen more for their high prescribing habits than for their knowledge or other attributes that allow them to influence their peers. Physicians are more interested in true leaders who have credentials, such as academics and/or clinical trials. 

Pharmaceutical companies hire  KOLs  as consultants to give lectures, conduct clinical trials, and occasionally make presentations on their behalf at regulatory meetings or hearings.

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 Consultants, Propagandists and Representatives Series 

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